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Downingtown West Boys Lacrosse

Downingtown West Boys Lacrosse

Booster Club Officers

Steve Lundmark – President
Jen Chicosky – Secretary
Ed Moore – Treasurer
Ryan Dougherty – At large
Keith Epps– At Large
Melissa Epps– At large
Kirsten Kell– At large

What is the Booster Club?

The booster club is a group of well-intended, lacrosse-loving parents (or maybe you don’t yet know a thing about the game) that want to be a part of their son's activities – that’s YOU! The lacrosse team at DWHS is largely supported by the volunteer and fundraising efforts, and generous contributions to the booster club.                                                                                                                                

Purpose: to support the school, coaching staff and student athletes and provide enhancements to the team so as to offer an excellent team experience.      

What the Booster Club provides

  • Coaching staff supplement (school provides: head coach/one assistant/JV head coach)
  • Team banquet and awards
  • Senior players and Parents recognition night
  • Organize Team Dinners 
  • Training opportunities (i.e.: fall league coordination/fall practices)

We all know the busy demands of raising kids and financially supporting their interests, hobbies and sports. This fits right in! We want to extend to each of you our enthusiasm for the sport and the joy of watching the boys play as we get ready to kick off a new year. We will be looking for your assistance. Just as every boy has a place on the team, every parent has a place in the “supportive family” that contributes to the team spirit that embodies the lacrosse teams of DWHS.  What we know is that,beyond good coaching and dedicated athletes, it takes a strong, supportive parent booster group to make a good team into a great one - to elevate standards, build the sense for the boys that they are a part of a team of excellence and let them know that they proudly represent a team that rivals any competitor

It is an honor to be a lacrosse player of DWHS!  And it's an even bigger honor to be the parent of one!


Get Involved

So much of what makes the lacrosse season a success falls on the shoulders of families volunteering their time. There are several opportunities throughout the year and especially during the season to volunteer. Some ways that come up regularly:

•Booster Club- Aside from the officer positions (which are volunteers), there are plenty of activities that need done for the club
•Houshower and Gallagher Youth Clinic- The clinics are put on completely by volunteers and donations.
•Team Dinners- Sign Up sheets are put out throughout the season for these dinners, which give the boys a chance to bond off the lacrosse field while enjoying a good meal.
•Others- Emails requesting help are sent regularly during the year.

Contact us

Downingtown West Boys Lacrosse


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